sayfa içeriği
    • Türk Askeri hukuku ile ilgili konularda bilgi sunumu
    • Türk Askeri Hukuku ile ilgili hususlarda bilgi sunumu

1. A General Review of The Turkısh Judgement System

A General Review of The Turkish Judgement System:

The constitution of Republic of Turkey has based the state political power to the soveriegnty of nation. The nation exercises its soveriegnty by means of the authorized bodies depending on the princibles set forth by the constitution. Legislation, execution, judiciary judistictions are carried out by T.G.N.A. (TBMM) President and Board of Ministers, the independent courts on behalf of the Turkish Nations, respectively.

Our constitution divides the function of judiciary into three as judicial, military, executive judiciaries ın each judistiction type, courts conform mith the superiority of the Constitution in the practice of laws.

İn accordance with the types, the constitution of Republic of Turkey divides also the higher courts. These are Court of Appeals, Military Court of Appeals, State Council for judicila, military, executive  judiciaries,respectively. These higher courts are responsible for the appeal of the decisions given by the lower courts.

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