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Askeri konularda çıkan yayınlar II

Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri Disiplin Kanunu Şerhi (2 Cilt)

Orhan ÇelenNihan Dokumacıoğlu
Adalet Yayınevi Mayıs 2022

TSK İç Hizmet Kanunu ve Yönetmeliği - Askeri Ceza Kanunu - TSK Disiplin Kanunu - TSK Personel Kanunu ve İlgili Mevzuat
Orhan Çelen Adalet Yayınevi
Şubat 2023

Askeri Ceza Kanunu Şerhi (2 Cilt)
Orhan Çelen Adalet Yayınevi Ocak 2023

Dünya Askeri Tarihi Mesut Uyar, Yeditepe Yayınevi, 2023, 
Kağıt Kapak – 28 Ağustos 2023

Başarıya dair özlü sözler

Büyük aşkların ve büyük başarıların büyük riskler içerdiğini unutma. Kim iyi yaşamış, bol bol gülmüş ve çok sevmişse, başarıyı yakalamış demektir. Bessıe Anderson Stanley 

Ders alınmış başarısızlık başarı demektir. Malcom S. Forbes

Mağlubiyete uğrayınca ümitsizliğe kapılma, her başarısızlıkta bir zafer arzusu yatar. Germaın Martın 

Başarısızlıklar, kuvvetlilere daha da kuvvet verir. Saınt Exupery

Her şeyin mühim noktası, başlangıçtır. Eflatun 

Bütün büyük işler, küçük başlangıçlarla olur. Cıcero

Ya başlamamalı, ya da bitirmeli. Ovıdıus

Çalışanlar, kötülük düşünmeye vakit bulamazlar. Çalışmayanlar ise, kendilerini kötülükten kurtaramazlar. Hz. Ali

Basit bir adamın elinden geleni yapmaya çalışması, zeki bir adamın tembelliğinden iyidir. G. Gracıan

Bilginin efendisi olmak için çalışmanın uşağı olmak şartdır. Balzac

Bilgi insanı şüpheden, iyilik acı çekmekten, kararlı olmak korkutan kurtarır. Konfüçyus 

Zorunlu Askerlik Hizmeti Olan Ülkeler

Countries with Mandatory Military Service:
Zorunlu Askerlik Hizmeti Olan Ülkeler:



  • Algeria — 12 months for males aged 19-30
  • Angola — 24 months for males aged 20-45
  • Argentina — De jure - Conscription suspended, but government is authorized to reinstate if necessary
  • Armenia — 24 months for males aged 18-27
  • Austria — 6-9 months for males aged 18-50
  • Azerbaijan — 12-18 months for men aged 18-25
  • Belarus — 12-36 months for men aged 18-27
  • Belize — De jure - Conscription legal, but has never been needed
  • Benin — 18 months selective compulsory for males and females aged 18-35
  • Bhutan — Training required for males aged 20-25, but full enlistment is voluntary
  • Bolivia — 12-24 months for males aged 18-22
  • Brazil — 10-12 months for males aged 18-45, but only 5-10% are actually required to serve
  • Cambodia — 18 months for males aged 18-30
  • Cape Verde/Cabo Verde — 24 months selective compulsory for males and females aged 18-35
  • Chad — 36 months for males age 20, 12 months for females age 21 (females can opt for civic service)
  • Chile — 12-22 months selective compulsory service for males 18-45, but conscription is rarely needed
  • China — De jure - Conscription of males aged 18-22 for 24 months service is legal but has never been needed
  • Colombia — 18 months for males aged 18-24
  • Congo (Democratic Republic of) — Conscription of citizens aged 18-45 is legal, but degree of usage is unclear
  • Cuba — 24 months for males aged 17-28
  • Cyprus — 14 months in National Guard for males aged 18-50
  • Denmark — 4-12 months training for men at age 18, eligible for active conscription until age 50
  • Egypt — 18-36 months plus 9 years reserve for males aged 18-30
  • El Salvador — 11-12 months selective compulsory for males at age 18
  • Equatorial Guinea — 24 months selective compulsory for citizens at age 18
  • Eritrea — 18 months for males and females aged 18-40 - service obligation may be extended indefinitely
  • Estonia — 8-11 months for males aged 18-27
  • Ethiopia — De jure - No ongoing conscription, but military has authority to conduct compulsory draft if necessary
  • Finland — 6-12 months for males at age 18, reserves until age 60
  • Georgia — 12 months for males aged 18-27
  • Greece — 9-12 months for males aged 19-45
  • Guatemala — 12-24 months selective conscription service for males aged 17-21, though conscription is rare in practice
  • Guinea-Bissau — 24 months selective compulsory for males and females aged 18-25
  • Indonesia — De jure - Selective conscription of 18-24 months service for males at age 18 is authorized, but not currently utilized
  • Iran — 18-24 months for males at age 18
  • Israel — 24-48 months (9 years for pilots) for males and females at age 18
  • Ivory Coast/Cote d'Ivoire — De jure - Selective conscription of males and females aged 18-25 is authorized, but not currently utilized
  • Jordan — 12 months for unemployed males aged 25-29
  • Kazakhstan — 12-24 months for males aged 18-27 - may be abolished soon
  • Kuwait — 12 months for males aged 18-35
  • Kyrgyzstan — 9-12 months for males aged 18-27
  • Laos — 18 months for males at age 18
  • Lithuania — 9 months for males aged 19-26
  • Mali — 24 months selective compulsory for men and women at age 18
  • Mexico — 12 months for lottery-selected males at age 18, eligible as reserves until 40
  • Moldova — 12 months for males aged 18-27 - may be abolished soon
  • Mongolia — 12-24 months for males aged 18-27, eligible as reserves until 45
  • Morocco — 12 months for males and females at age 19
  • Mozambique — 24 months selective compulsory for males and females aged 18-35
  • Myanmar(Burma) — De jure - Law reauthorizing conscription passed in 2010, but hasn't gone into effect
  • Niger — 24 months selective compulsory for unmarried males and females at age 18
  • North Korea — 10 years for males and 5 years for females at age 17
  • Norway — 19 months (12 months plus 4-5 refreshers) for males and females aged 19-35. However, more than 80% are released from service.
  • Paraguay — 12-24 months for males at age 18
  • Poland — De jure - Compulsory service has not been used since 2009, but is still legally possible. Adult males must still undergo "military qualification", in which they are assessed and placed in the military reserves.
  • Portugal — De jure - Conscription is legally authorized, but not currently utilized
  • Qatar — 4-12 months for males aged 18-35
  • Russia — 12 months for males aged 18-27, reserves to age 50. May end conscription in near future.
  • San Marino — De jure - No organized conscription, but military can draft citizens aged 16-60 to serve if need arises
  • Sao Tome and Principe — (Limited information) De jure - Conscription authorized for citizens at age 18, but is apparently unenforced
  • Senegal — 24 months selective compulsory service for males and possibly females at age 20
  • Singapore — 24 months for males aged 18-21, reserves to age 40 (enlisted) or 50 (officers)
  • Slovakia — De jure - Conscription in peacetime suspended in 2004, but could be reinstated in event of war
  • Somalia — De jure - Conscription of males aged 18-40 and females aged 18-30 is authorized, but not currently utilized
  • South Korea — 21-24 months for males aged 18-28 (scheduled to decrease to 18-22 months sometime in 2022)
  • South Sudan — 12-24 months at age 18
  • Spain — De jure - Conscription abolished in 2001, but government can draft citizens aged 19-25 in case of national emergency
  • Sudan — 12-24 months for males and females aged 18-33
  • Sweden — 7.5-15 months for males and females at age 18, eligible as reserves until age 47; however, only a portion of those who register are selected for service
  • Switzerland — 245 days (18 weeks training + six 19-day recalls) for males aged 18-30
  • Syria — 18 months for males aged 18-42
  • Taiwan — 4 months for males aged 18-36 plus up to four 20-day training recalls
  • Tajikistan — 24 months for males aged 18-27, an exemption can be purchased.
  • Tanzania — (Limited information) No military conscription, but selective conscription for 24 months public service is authorized. Current enforcement levels are unclear.
  • Thailand — 24 months for lottery-chosen males at age 21
  • Timor Leste — (Limited information) Conscription authorized for males and females aged 18-30 for 18 months of service, but current level of implementation is unclear
  • Tunisia — 12 months for ages 20-35
  • Turkey — 6-12 months for males at age 20, an exemption can be purchased after 1 month of training
  • Turkmenistan — 24-30 months for males aged 18-30
  • Ukraine — 12-24 months for ages 20-27 - may be abolished soon
  • United Arab Emirates — 16-24 months for males aged 18-30
  • United States — De jure - The United States military has been all-volunteer since 1973. But an act of Congress could still reinstate the draft in case of a national emergency.
  • Uruguay — De jure - Conscription currently inactive, but government is authorized to activate conscription in case of national emergency
  • Uzbekistan — 12 months for males aged 18-27, shortened (1-month) term can be purchased, though purchaser will remain as reserve until age 27
  • Venezuela — Forcible recruitment forbidden, but citizens aged 18-50 must register for possible 12 months military training and service. Those who cannot demonstrate compliance forfeit significant government benefits
  • Vietnam — 24-36 months for males aged 18-27 (females eligible, but are not drafted)
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